Dialogues in Science and Faith 1: from fossils to forensics
Introducing the first ever Faraday Conference in Hong Kong.
When you work as a scientist, and you have a religious faith, there is an assumption somewhere that scientific beliefs and practices can be reconciled with religious beliefs and practices. For some people, this assumption is often never really inspected: you are too busy just getting the results in; or you are worried that you might not like what you find; or you don’t know where to start. But for some, the assumption is unpacked, inspected, discussed, and found to enrich perceptions of both science and religion.
This conference provides an opportunity to take a pause from the bustle of Hong Kong life, and reflect on how science and religion relate. The conference will bring together practicing scientists, engineers, and theologians from across South East Asia who have an interest in the dialogue between science and religion. We welcome those who have little prior experience of such dialogue, as we welcome those who have been engaged with it for decades.
Dr Clinton Ohlers (HKU, History)
“The History and Future of Science and Faith”
Response – Dr Denis Alexander (Cambridge, Biology)
Dr Mike Brownnutt (HKU, Physics)
“When the Truth Sets You Free”
Response – Prof Russell Cowburn (Cambridge, Physics)
Prof Russell Cowburn (Cambridge, Physics)
“Integrating Science and Faith in the World of Physics”
Dr Denis Alexander (Cambridge, Biology)
“Tales from the Faraday Institute: reflections on life in science and religion”
Prof Simon Conway Morris (Cambridge, Earth Sciences)
“Mass Extinctions, Extra-terrestrials and Other Evolutionary Myths”
Prof Stephen Tsui (CUHK, Biomedical Sciences)
“Reflections on Science and Faith: connecting origin of life and the origin of universe”
The full conference schedule is here.
The full conference program brochure is here.
Non-residential (Saturday only).
Includes lunch and dinner.
Residential (Saturday and Sunday).
Includes accommodation and full board.
$400 (per person, twin room)
$600 (single room).
Related Events
Public lecture by Prof Russell Cowburn on Thursday 3rd May:
“Why Matter Matters to God“
Public lecture by Prof Simon Conway Morris on Friday 4th May:
“Evolution: random or determined?“