Higher Education in a Machine Age 5:
Charting the future and engaging with technology
This series of round-table discussions will consider Christian perspectives on the impact that technological thinking has had on higher education.
This final session takes the ideas discussed previously in the series and looks to chart a way forward: having critiqued culture, how do we now move forward to create culture? We cannot uncritically embrace culture, but neither can we go on without it. Together, then, we will wrestle with this tension: the need to use inhumane tools to cultivate humanity.
We will hold this discussion by Zoom.
Preparatory materials for Session 5:
Crouch, Andy (2008). “Chapter 4: Culture and Creation” in Culture Making: Recovering Our Creative Calling. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press.
Crouch, Andy (2008). “Chapter 6: The Garden and the City” in Culture Making: Recovering Our Creative Calling. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press.
Leung, Wing Tai (2020). Higher Education in an Age of Machine Culture: A Christian Perspective.
Power, F. Clark and Stephen M. Fallon (2014). “Chapter 8: Teaching and Transformation” in The Preferential Option for the Poor Beyond Theology, Daniel G. Groody and Gustavo Gutierrez (Eds.). pp. 149-166. Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press.
Session dates:
7th Nov. 2020:
Has machine culture kidnapped higher education?
5th Dec. 2020:
My faith, my discipline, my machine culture
6th Feb. 2021:
The totalising effects of machine culture in higher education
6th Mar. 2021:
Community responses to machine culture
10th Apr. 2021:
Charting the future and engaging with technology